About us
Founded in 2012 by video director Leonardo Stenzel, Buena Vista operates in the corporate video segments such as Institutional Videos, Video Marketing and Tutorials.
Always aiming to produce solutions with the best cost-benefit to its customers, Buena Vista uses production processes already consolidated for more than 20 years of experience. These processes optimize resources efficiently, generating savings, agility and high quality of the final product.

The Director
Graduated in "Music & Video Business" from the Art Institute of Fort Lauderdale, FL, Leonardo Stenzel has been working in the Corporate Video segment since 1995. His career in Brazil began as a video editor, having worked in the main post-production companies in Porto Alegre at the time. In 2005 he founded his first production company and since then has been forming a vast portfolio as Video Director. Performing work for companies such as PETROBRÁS, GM, AGCO, NEOENERGIA, SIEMENS, BRASKEM, NET, LIQUIGÁS, SISTEMA FIRJAN, LIBERTY SEGUROS, SICREDI, TMSA, TERMOLAR, SEBRAE, TCE-RS, DMAE, CWI, NTC, CLEAR CHANNEL among others. Since 2012, through Buena Vista, he has consolidated himself as one of the few directors specialized in the corporate video segment of Rio Grande do Sul, being today among the most experienced professionals in the production of Institutional Videos in the state.